ATTENTION: Wall boundaries remain visible for the full period (~1min) even if the wall itself is deleted meantime. During this short period all players will see the walls. Walls will be highlighted for a short period (around 1 minute). rcon BlockWallGrantEditor Allows chosen player to use the ingame level fix editor /rcon BlockWallDraw All invisible walls made by the ILFE become visible (they are drawn as red bounding boxes). Those are intended to be used to fix map leaks, but can be as well placed to block event areas or create custom admin rooms. JA+ mod provides RCON user with a power to create invisible walls on the map. * In theory you can type the rconpassword in each command using structure /rcon, but in practice this is not a good habbit: it just demands more work and creates a risk of revealing rcon password. Scince now all rcon commands we will use will be send to the server with the given IP. We just have to change our rconpassword to match the server we want to affect and than type /set rconaddress.
That means we can affect any server, not only our. Let's say that as long as we are using the same clanpass (rconpassword) as the server- it will listen to our orders. You may think of it as a clanpass, with this difference that here our clanpass is "rconpassword" cvar value *. Now untill you leave the server or logout it will accept all admin commands received from you (provided your admin level is high enough to execute them).